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读·思·研 研究生英语阅读(含MP3光盘一张)
作者:高莉莉 版次:1-5 开本:16 页数:349 千字数: 装帧方式:平装
ISBN 978-7-307-04724-2 出版时间:2006-09-03 印刷时间:2014-09-19 定价:¥30元 浏览量: 购买图书
Unit One Language,Culture and Communication
PartⅠReading Guidelines:Developing Good Reading Habits
PartⅡSelected Reading
TextA Stumbling Blocks in Intercural Communication
TextB Politics and the English Language

Unit Two Learning Lives
PartⅠReading Guidelines:Scanning
PartⅡSelected Reading
TextA University Education
TextB Education for Sustainable Development

Unit Three Marriage and the Family
PartⅠReading Guidelines:Skimming
PartⅡSelected Reading
TextA How to Cook a Stepfamily
TextB The Sandwich Generation:A Cluttered Nest

Unit Four New Economic Times
PartⅠReading Guidelines:Word Meaning by Word Formation
PartⅡSelected Reading
TextA Human Capital and Econmic Development
TextB As Rich-poor Gap Widens in US,Class Mobility Stalls

Unit Five Man and Nature
PartⅠReading Guidelines:How to Read for “Comprehension”
PartⅡSelected Reading
TextA Gender,Poverty and Environment
TextB Indian Ocean Tsunami

Unit Six Art Gallery
PartⅠReading Guidelines:Critical Reading
PartⅡSelected Reading
TextA “I Should Like to Astonish Paris with an Apple”—The still Lifes
TextB The Making of a Love Triangle

Unit Seven Literature Garden
PartⅠReading Guidelines:Reading for Artistic Appreciation
PartⅡSelected Reading
TextA A Rose for Emily
TextB A Clean,Well-lighted Place

Unit Eight Academic World
PartⅠReading Guidelines:How to Deal with Academic Reading
PartⅡSelected Reading Music Lessons Enhance IQ
