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作者:李明 版次:1-1 开本:32 页数:234 千字数: 装帧方式:平装
ISBN 978-7-307-04492-7 出版时间:2005-04-03 印刷时间:2005-04-03 定价:¥14.8元 浏览量: 购买图书
Table of Contents
Chapter One Introduction
1.1.0 Linguistics and translation theories
1.2.0 Sociosemiotics — a holistic theory of translation
1.3.0 Relationship between semiotics and translation
1.4.0 Objectives of the dissertation
1.5.0 Organizational structure of the dissertation
Chapter Two Sociosemiotics — Definition and Related Concepts
2.1.0 A review of the science — sociosemiotics
2.2.0 Basic semiotic notions
2.2.1 Code
2.2.2 Signs and their functions
2.2.3 Icon
2.2.4 Index
2.2.5 Symbol
2.2.6 Interpretant
2.2.7 Meaning
2.2.8 Language
2.2.9 Culture
2.2.10 Categories of culture
2.2.11 Language and culture
2.2.12 Context
2.2.13 Register and style
2.3.0 Conclusion
Chapter Three Translation — Definition and Related Factors and Concepts
3.1.0 About translation
3.1.1 Definition of translating
3.1.2 The nature or essence of translating
3.2.0 Factors and concepts related to translation
3.2.1 Translator
3.2.2 The process of translation
3.2.3 The principles of translation
3.2.4 What makes a successful translator?
3.2.5 Text and translation
3.2.6 Translatability
3.2.7 Untranslatability
3.2.8 Equivalence
3.3.0 Taking fidelity philosophically
3.4.0 Conclusion Chapter Four Implications of Sociosemiotics for Interlingual Translation
4.1.0 What sociosemiotic framework can be established in interlingual translation?
4.1.1 Referential meaning
4.1.2 Linguistic meaning
4.1.3 Pragmatic meaning
4.2.0 Sociosemiotic perspectives towards translation
4.2.1 Different languages designate different semiotic systems.
4.2.2 Translating means translating meaning.
4.2.3 Meaning and function are the two indispensable aspects of a version.
4.2.4 The process of translating is that of decoding and encoding messages.
4.2.5 Different translators turn out different versions
4.2.6 Re translating is a necessity at different times in history
4.2.7 Is translation a science or an art?
4.2.8 What attitudes to be taken towards errors in translation?
4.3.0 Conclusion
Chapter Five Application of the Sociosemiotic Theory to Interlingual Translation
5.1.0 The transfer of referential meaning
5.2.0 The transfer of pragmatic meaning
5.3.0 The transfer of linguistic meaning
5.4.0 The reproduction of register and other codes in translation
5.5.0 The translation of intentionality
5.6.0 Conclusion
Chapter Six Conclusion