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作者:张伯香主编 版次:2-6 开本:16 页数:694 千字数: 装帧方式:平装
ISBN 978-7-307-03807-3 出版时间:2006-01-03 印刷时间:2014-06-03 定价:¥49元 浏览量: 购买图书
Part Ⅴ The Rpmantic Eenglish Literature (1798—1832)
Chapter 1 Introduction to Romanticism
Ⅰ. Historical Background
1.1 The French Revolution
1.2 The British Industrial Revolution
Ⅱ. Cultural Background
2.1 The Romantic Movement
2.2 Poetry of the Romantic Period
2.3 Prose of the Romantic Period
2.4 Drama of the Romantic Period
Chapter 2 Romantic Poetry (1)
Ⅰ. William Wordsworth (1770—1850)
1.1 Life and Career
1.2 Points of View
1.3 Major Works
Ⅱ. Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772—1834)
2.1 Life and Career
2.2 Points of View
2.3 Major Works
Ⅲ. Selected Readings
3.1 “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”by William Wordsworh
3.2 “Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802” by William Wordsworth
3.3 “She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways” by William Wordsworth
3.4 “The Solitary Reaper” by William Wordsworth
3.5 “Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey, on Revisiting the Banks of the Wye during a Tour, July 13, 1798” by William Wordsworth
3.6 “Kubla Klan” by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
3.7 “The Rime of The Ancient Mariner” by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Chapter 3 Romantic Poetry (2)
Ⅰ. George Gordon Byron (1788—1824)
1.1 Life and Career
1.2 Major Works
Ⅱ. Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792—1822)
2.1 Life and Career
2.2 Points of View
2.3 Major Works
Ⅲ. John Keats (1795—1821)
3.1 Life and Career
3.2 Major Works
Ⅳ. Selected Readings
4.1 “When We Two Parted” by George Gordon Byron
4.2 “She Walks in Beauty” by George Gordon Byon
4.3 “The Isles og Greece” (from Don juan,Ⅲ) by George Byron
4.4 “Ode to the West Wind” by Percy Bysshe Shelley
4.6 “On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer” by John Keats
4.7 “”ode on a Grecian Um” by John Keate
Chapter 4 Romantic Prose
Ⅰ. Jane Austen (1775—1817)
1.1 Life and Career
1.2 Points of View
1.3 Characteristics of Her Works
Ⅱ. Walter Scott (1771—1832)
2.1 Life and Career
2.2 Ceneral Comment
Ⅲ. Charles Lamb (1775—1834)
Ⅳ. William Hazlitt (1778—1830)
Ⅴ. Selected Readings
5.1 An Except from pride and prejudice by Jane Austen
5.2 An Excerpt from lvanhoe by Walter Scott
5.3 “Old China” from Essays of Elia by Charles Lamb
5.4 “Macbeth Characters Analysis” by William Hazlitt
Part Ⅵ The Victorian English Literature (1832—1900)
Chapter 5 Introduction to the Victorian Age
Ⅰ. Historical Background
1.1 Conflicts Between Capital and Labor
1.2 Changes in Ldeology
1.3 The Problem of Women
Ⅱ. Victorian Literature
2.1 Novel
2.2 Non-fiction Prose
2.3 Poetry
Chapter 6 Victorian Poetry
Ⅰ. Alfred Tennyson (1809—1892)
1.1 Life and Career
1.2 Major Works
1.3 Artistic Features
Ⅱ. Robert Browning (1812—1889)
2.1 Life and Career
2.2 Major Works
2.3 Poetic Features
Ⅲ. Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806—1861)
Ⅳ. Matthew Arnold (1822—1888)
Ⅴ. Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844—1889)
Ⅵ. Thomas Hardy (1840—1928)
Ⅶ. Some Other Victorian Poets
7.1 Algernon Charles Swinburne (1837—1909)
7.2 Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828—1882)
7.3 William Morris (1834—1896)
Ⅷ. Selected Readings
8.1 “Break, Break, Break” by Alfred Tennyson
8.2 “Crossing the Bar” by Alfred Tennyson
8.3 “Uysses” by Alfred Tennyson
8.4 “Home-Thoughts, from Abroad”by Robert Browning
8.5 “My last Duchess”by Eizabeth Browning
8.6 “How Do Ilove thee?”by Elizabeth Browning
8.7 “Dover Beach”by Matthew Arnold
8.8 “The Wubdhover”by Gread Manley Hopkins
8.9 “The Darkling Thrush”by Thomas Hardy
8.10 “The Man He Killed”by Thomas Hardy
Chapter 7 Victorian Novel
Ⅰ. Charles Dickens (1812—1870)
1.1 Life and Career
1.2 Points of View
1.3 Lierary Works
1.4 Special Features
Ⅱ. Winlliam Makepeace Thackeray (1881—1863)
2.1 Life and Career
2.2 Points of View
2.3 Major Works
2.4 Some Features of His Works
Ⅲ. Charlotte Bronte (1816—1855)
3.1 Life and Career
3.2 Jane Eye (1847)
3.3 Features of Her Novels
Ⅳ. Emily Bronte (1818—1848)
4.1 Life and Career
4.2 Wuthering Heights (1847)
Ⅴ. George Eliot (1840—1880)
5.1 Life and Caree
5.2 Art and Mind
5.3 Major Works
Ⅵ. Thomas Hardy (1840—1928)
6.1 Life and Caree
6.2 Points of View
6.3 Major Works
Ⅶ. Minor Novelists
7.1 Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell (1810—1865)
7.2 Charles Reade (1814—1884)
7.3 Rpbert Louis Stevenson (1850—1894)
7.4 Anthony Trollope (1815—1882)
7.5 George Meredith (1828—1909)
7.6 William Wikie Colloms (1824—1889)
7.7 Samuel Butler (1835—1902)
7.8 George Ronert Gissing (1857—1903)
Ⅷ. Selected Readings
8.1 An Excerpt from Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
8.2 An Excerpt from Vanity Fair By William Thackeray
8.3 An Excerpt from of Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
8.4 An Excerpt from Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
8.5 An Excerpt from Middlenarch by George Eliot
8.6 An Excerpt from Tess of the d’Urberuilles by Thomas Hardy
Chapter 8 Victorian Drama
Ⅰ. Abrief Survey
Ⅱ. The Aesthetic Movement
Ⅲ. Oscar Wilde (1854—1900)
3.1 Life and Caree
3.2 Points of View
3.3 Major Woeks
Ⅳ. Selected Reading
Act Ifrom The lmportancr of Being by Oscar Winlde
Chapter 9 Victorian Prose
Ⅰ. Thomas Babington Macaulay (1800—1859)
Ⅱ. Theomas Carlyle (1795—1881)
Ⅲ. John Herry Newman (1801—1890)
Ⅳ. John Stuart Mill (1806—1873)
Ⅴ. Selected Readings
6.1 An Excerpt from “The Hero as Post” of Heroes and Hero-Woreship By Thomas Carlylel
6.2 An Excerpt from Sesame and lilies by john Ruskin
Part Ⅶ The Twentieth-Century English Literature (1900-1970)
Chapter 10 Introduction to Twentieth-centurt Literature
Ⅰ. Historical Background
Ⅱ. Cultural Background
2.1 New Theories and Ideas
3.1 Modernism
Ⅲ. Poetry of the Twentieth Century
Ⅳ. Fiction of the Twentieth Century
4.1 The Realistic Novel
4.2 The Modernist Novel
Ⅴ. Drama of the Twentieth Century
Chapter 11 Early Twentieth-Century Novel (1)
Ⅰ. Joseph Conrad (1857-1924)
1.1 Life and Career
1.2 Points of View
1.3 Artistic Features
1.4 Major Works
Ⅱ. E.M Forster (1879—1970)
2.1 Life
2.2 Literary and Career
2.3 Points of View
2.4 Characterisics
2.5 Major Works
Ⅲ. John Galswrthy (1867—1933)
3.1 Life and Career
3.2 Points of View and Artistic Features
3.3 Major Works
Ⅳ. H.G. Wells (1866—1946)
4.1 Life and Career
4.2 Political and Artistic Points of View
4.3 Major Works
Ⅴ. Arnold Bennett (1867—1931)
5.1 Life and Career
5.2 Points of View and Artistic Features
5.3 The old Wives’Tale
Ⅵ. William Somerset Maugham (1874—1965)
6.1 Life and Career
6.2 Points of view
6.3 Major Works
Ⅶ. Selected Readings
7.1 An Excerpt from the First Part of Heart of Darkness by Joesph Conrad
7.2 An Excerpt from Chapter 24 of A Passage to India by E.M Forster
7.3 An Excerpt from 13, Paart Two Man of Property by John Galsworthy
Chapter 12 Early Twentieth-Century Novel (2)
Ⅰ. D.H Lawrence (1885—1930)
1.1 Life
1.2 Life and Career
1.3 Points of view
1.4 Some Characterics of His Novels
1.5 Major Works
Ⅱ. James Joyce (1882—1941)
2.1 Life
2.2 Artistic Points of View
2.3 Major Works
Ⅲ. Virginia Woolf (1882—1941)
3.1 Life
3.2 Life and Career
3.3 Points of view
3.4 Characteristics of Her Novels
3.5 Major Works
Ⅳ. Katherine Mansfield (1888—1923)
Ⅴ. Aldous Hxley (1894—1963)
Ⅵ. Evelyn Waugh (1903—1966)
Ⅶ. George Orwell (Pseudonym of Eric Blair, 1903—1950)
Ⅷ. Graham Greene (1904—1991)
Ⅸ. Selected Readings
9.1 An Except from Chapter 10 of Sons and Lovers by D.H Lawrence
9.2 “Araby” from Dubliners by James Joyce
9.3 An Excerpt from Episode 8 of Ulysses by James Joyce
9.4 “The Mark on the Wall”by Virginia Woolf
9.5 “The Singing Lesson” by Katherine Mansfield
Chapter 13 Early Twentieth-Century Poetry
Ⅰ. William Butler Yeats (1865—1939)
1.1 Life
1.2 Points of view
1.3 Poetic Career
1.4 Characteristics of His Poetry
1.5 Dramatic Carrer
Ⅱ. Alfred Edward Housnman (1859—1936)
Ⅲ. Rudyard Kipling (1865—1936)
Ⅳ. Wilfred Owen (1893—1918)
4.1 Life and Poetic Career
4.2 Ooetry
Ⅴ. Siegfried Sasson (1886—1967)
Ⅵ. Isaac Rosenberg (1890—1918)
Ⅶ. Selected Readings
7.1 “The Lake Isle of Innisfree”by W.B Yeats
7.2 “Down by the Salley Gardens”by W.B Yeats
7.3 “The Second Coming”by W.B yeats
7.4 “Sailing to Byzantium” by W.B Yeats
7.5 “When I Was One-and-Twenty”by A.E Housman
7.6 “The Rear-Guard”by Siegfried Sasson
Chapter 14 Thomas Stearns Eliot (1888—1965)
Ⅰ. Life
Ⅱ. Literary Career
2.1 As a Poet
2.2 As a Playwright
2.3 As a Critic
Ⅲ. Points of View
3.1 Political Attitude
3.2 Artistic View
Ⅳ. Characteristics of His Poetry
4.1 Subject Matter
4.2 Juxtaposition
4.3 Literary Allusion
4.4 Myth
4.5 Musical Images and Patterns
Ⅴ. Major Works
5.1 “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”(1915)
5.2 The Waste Land (1922)
Ⅵ. Selected Readings
6.1 “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”
6.2 The Waste Land
Chapter 15 Early Twentieth-Century Dentury Drama
Ⅰ. George Bernard Shaw (1856—1950)
1.1 Life
1.2 Literary Carrer
1.3 Points of View
1.4 Characterisics of His Plays
1.5 Major Work
Ⅱ. The Irish Dramatic Revival
2.1 Lady (Isabella Augusta Persse)Gregoy (1852—1932)
2.2 John Millington Synge (1871—1909)
2.3 Sean O’Casey (1880—1964)
Ⅲ. Selected Reading
An Excerpt from Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw
Chapter 16 Mid-Twentieth-Century Poetry
Ⅰ. W.H Auden (1907—1973)
1.1 Life and Career
1.2 Poetry
Ⅱ. Stephen Spender (1909—1995)
Ⅲ. C. Day Lewis (1904—1972)
Ⅳ. Louis MacNeice (1907—1965)
Ⅴ. Hugh MacDiarmid (1892—1978)
Ⅵ. Dylan Thomas (1914—1953)
Ⅶ. Philip Larkin (1922—1985)
Ⅷ. Ted Hughes (1930—1998)
Ⅸ. Seamus Heaney (1930--)
Ⅹ. Selected Readings
10.1 “Musee des Beaux Arts”by W.H Auden
10.2 “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night”by Dylan Thomas
10.3 “Church Going”by Philip Larkin
10.4 “Hawk Roosting”by Ted Hughes
10.5 “Follower”by Seamus Heaney
Chapter 17 Mid-Twentieth-Century Noved
Ⅰ. Kingsley Amis (1922—1995)
Ⅱ. Alan Sillitoe (1928--)
Ⅲ. William Golding (1911—1993)
Ⅳ. Selected Readings
4.1 An Excerpt from Lucky Jim by Kingsley Amis
4.2 An Except from Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Chapter 18 Mid-Twentieth-Century Drama
Ⅰ. Samuel Beckett (1906—1989)
1.1 Life and Career
1.2 Points of view
1.3 Characteristics of His Work
1.4 Waiting for Goldot
Ⅱ. John Osborne (1929—1994)
2.1 Life and Career
2.2 Representative of the New Drama
2.3 Look Back in Anger
Ⅲ. Arnold Wesker (1932--)
Ⅳ. Harold Pinter (1930--)
Ⅴ. Tom Stoppard (1937--)
Ⅵ. Selecterd Readings
6.1 An Excerpt from At I of Watting for Fodot by Samuel Beckett
6.2 An Excerpt from At I of Look Back in Anger by John Osborne
Appendix Ⅰ A Glossary of Literary Terms
Appendix Ⅱ Sample Test Paper
Ⅰ. Multiple Chpice
Ⅱ. Reading Comprehension
Ⅲ. Questions And Answers
Ⅳ. Topic Discussion
Key to the Test Paper
Appendix Ⅲ Acknowledgment