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作者:侯艳 版次:1-1 开本:大32开 页数:0 千字数: 装帧方式:平装
ISBN 978-7-307-03898-6 出版时间:2003-06-03 印刷时间:2003-06-03 定价:¥17元 浏览量: 购买图书
I. Topic Area A: Students and Society
Topic A 1: Caring About Society
Topic A 2: Knowledge and Practice
Topic A 3: Running a Business
Topic A 4: The WTO and China
Topic A 5: Ambition
II. Topic Area B: Living in the Modern Times
Topic B 1: Living in the City or in the Countryside
Topic B 2: Advertisements
Topic B 3: Buying Lottery Tickets
Topic B 4: Marriage and Family Life
Topic B 5: Private Cars in China
III. Topic Area C: Science and Technology
Topic C 1: Computers
Topic C 2: Internet and Its Impact
Topic C 3: Internet Cafés and the Young People
Topic C 4: Science and Technology in Our Modern
Topic C 5: Clone — a Scientific Miracle
IV. Topic Area D: Problems of Our Time
Topic D 1: City Crimes
Topic D 2: Working Mothers’ Dilemma
Topic D 3: Life Education
Topic D 4: War and Peace
Topic D 5: Computers and Our Jobs
Topic D 6: Fighting Corruption
V. Topic Area E: Views on Life
Topic E 1: Health
Topic E 2: Success and Failure
Topic E 3: Competition and Cooperation
Topic E 4: Happiness
VI. Topic Area F: Entertainment
Topic F 1: The Spring Festival
Topic F 2: Christmas in China
Topic F 3: The Week Long Holidays
Topic F 3: Traveling
Topic F 5: The 2002 World Cup