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作者:安铁汉、李双锁 版次:1-1 开本:16 页数:215 千字数: 装帧方式:平装
ISBN 978-7-307-06001-2 出版时间:2008-01-03 印刷时间:2008-01-03 定价:¥25元 浏览量: 购买图书
Chapter 1 Music
1.Text A Birth of Jazz
2.Text B Early Country Music
3.Listening and Speaking
4.Guided Writing:欢迎词
Chapter 2 Painting
1.Text A American Painting
2.Text B Chinese,French Presidents' Tour for Impressionistic Painting
3.Listening and Speaking
4.Guided Weiting:征稿启事
Chapter 3 Dancing
1.Text A Barefoot Contessa
2.Text B Getting the Most from Your Dance Lessons
3.Listening and Speaking
Chapter 4 Sculpture
1.Text A Auguste Rodin
2.Text B Chinese Sculpture
3.Listening and Speaking
4.Guided Writing:便函或备忘录
Chapter 5 Design
1.Text A Selecting an Interior Designer for Your Home Remodeling Project
2.Text B Home Design---Needing Some Inspiration
3.Listening and Speaking
4.Guided Writing:海报
Chapter 6 Photography
1.Text A Learning Photography
2.Text B Digital Photography for Beginners
3.Listening and Speaking
4.Guided Writing:启事
Chapter 7 Architecture
1.Text A Learning from Architecture
2.Text B Five Modern Architecture
3.Listening and Speaking
4.Guided Writing:促销信
Chapter 8 Movies
1.Text A King Kong
2.Text B A Grumpy Green Giant Who Would Not Be king
3.Listening and Speaking
4.Guided Writing:提纲式作文
Chapter 9 Museum
1.Text A Musee du Louvre
2.Text B The Forbidden City
3.Listening and Speaking
Chapter 10 Folk Arts
1.Text A Sichuan Embroidery
2.Text B Ceisha in Japan
3.Listening and Speaking

Keys to the Exercises