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作者:武汉大学国际法研究所主办 版次:1-1 开本:16 页数:285 千字数: 装帧方式:平装
ISBN 978-7-307-04490-0 出版时间:2005-05-03 印刷时间:2005-05-03 定价:¥26元 浏览量: 购买图书
On Aggression /Liu Daqun
A Theoretical Reconstruction on Preliminary Question in Private International Law /Xiao Yongping Wang Baoshi
International Trade System in the Aspect of Public Health /He Zhipeng Sun Lu
On the Legal Systems of Antarctic Environment Protection /Wang Xi Chen Weichun
International Law Aspects of Iraq War: Challenges and Responses / Yin Sheng
The Challenge and Development of International Law: from the discussion with Iraq War /Xu Junhua
On the Supervisory System of the Worker Rights Protection in the Economic Globalization /Li Xueping
International Regime and Practice on the Compensation for Oil Pollution from Ships
/Ai Sujun
A New Breakthrough in the Control of Crimes of Corruption in the International Community ——Comments on The UN Convention against Corruption /Ding Mingfang Interdisciplinary Approaches to International Economic Law: Cross-cultural Commerce in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice
/Anita L. Allen and Michael R. Seidl, translated by Zhang Wanhong and Qiao Jing
The World Trade Organization’s Legitimacy Crisis /Daniel C. Esty, translated by Sun Haochen
Case Studies
Law Analysis of the First Case Concerning WTO Agreement on Technical 
Barriers to Trade —— European Community Sardine Case /Wu Lei
Book Reviews
A Critical Analysis of American Conflicts Law Revolution ——From the Perspective of Junger /Wang Li
Book Review on Junger, the Second Chapter of Choice of Law and Multistate Justice: Transcending in the Critique /Zhang Bei
An Interview with Mr. Yang Liangyi /Guo Yi Zhu Qiang
Notice to Contributors